Copyright © Art'Marant
Stand: 08.06.20



M - Litter  20.05.2016 - 4 / 4  

Joschi-Jambo v.d. Parthewiesen
PSK Breeding License
Show review: excellent


Winz Sprate Bridgette for Marant
Club Junior Winner PSK 2013, BOB
Club Winner PSK 2014
PSK Breeding License
Show review: excellent

v.d. Parthewiesen
Best of Dominion Santiago Repitition's Busta Rhymes Repitition's Busta Move
Repitition's Jubilation II
Best of Dominion Atlantida Pan-Tau v.d. Brunnengärten
Moon Light Sebastian Hogar
Dangerous Minds
v.d. Parthewiesen
Nenevale Hard Days Night Hassanhill's Money Money Money
Nenevale Polly Flinders
Krümel v.d. Parthewiesen Eric-Xandro v. d. Parthewiesen
Coleen-Chantal v.d. Parthewiesen
Winz Sprate Bridgette for Marant Winz Sprate Douglas Wind of Changes Kaisha v. d'n Oppasser

Cooper-Silke v. d'n Oppasser 

Kaisha v. Stägefässli

Winz Sprate Marlen

Matraszepe Unchanged Quality

 Winz Sprate Sirafima

Winz Sprate Suzzi Quatro

Beard's Ghost Quickwitted Kiddy

Gloris Guns 'N' Roses

Rodzersija Un-Do

 Winz Sprate Sirafima

Scedir Dicktracy



Art'Marant Magnum
(Export Finland)

Art'Marant Mighty Mike
(Export Russia)

Art'Marant Maverick

Art'Marant Mojito

Art'Marant Marjory Alice

Art'Marant Mlle Zsa Zsa
(Export USA)

Art'Marant Mariposa

Art'Marant Madeleine


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