Copyright © Art'Marant
Stand: 10.06.21



10.10.2020 KSA Leipzig Wiederitzsch
Judge: Albert Probst (DE)

Art'Marant Quibelle champion class
EXC.1, CAC, Best Female, BOB and BIS-2
Siegerin Leipzig

It was a great day, huge thanks to the organizers and honorable judge Mr.Probst!



03.10.2020  PSK Club Show Marienheide
Judge: M. Hiltbrunner (CH)

Art'Marant Reina For Königreich
open class
EXC.1, CAC, Best Female, BOS, Oberbergischer Sieger

Very proud of this girl, huge congratulations to her owner Anna Pupu!




One is always happier to receie good news from the offspring

Art'Marant True To Type
9 months old partipicated in some shows in September

17.09.-18.09.2020  IDS Nitra (SK)
Exc.1, JCAC, BOB Junior, BOS
Exc.1, JCAC. BOB Junior, BOS

19.09.20 Year Winner Club Show Mladá Boleslav (CZ)
Exc.1, JCAC, BOB Junior, Junior Year Winner'2020!

Congratulations on wonderful achievements to her owner Dita Kolacková and a big thank for such a great care about Blackie





06.09.2020 NDS Olomouc (CZ)
Judge: Denk Csaba (HU)

Yeah, we did it 
and we are so proud of our girls!

Art'Marant Quibelle open class EXC1, CAC, CAC CMKU, National Winner and BOB!!
She completed this way her points for the title Czech Champion!
Art'Marant On Point
champion class EXC1, CAC




29.08. - 30.08.2020 double PSK Club Shows Spreewald
Judges: Antonin Karban (CZ), Piotr Krol (PL)

Hooray! Mission accomplished!
We have a freshly backed German Champion PSK

Results of the both days:
Art'Marant Quibelle 2 x EXC1, CAC, Best Female and BOS  and she completed this way her points for the GER CH PSK!

Art'Marant On Point 2 x EXC1, CAC




16.08.2020 PSK Club Show Dresden
Judge: Leos Jancik (CZ)

Art'Marant Quibelle EXC1, CAC   

Art'Marant On Point EXC1, CAC, Beste Hündin und BOS




Croatia, Split 4 Summer Night Dog Shows 

We are back from a nice and successful short trip to the sea


23.07.2020 NDS
 Judge: A. Ulltveit-Moe (SE)
Art'Marant Quibelle in the open class EXC1, CAC
Art'Marant On Point
in the champion class EXC2, res. CAC

24.07.2020 CACIB
Judge:  Stefan Sinko (SI)
Art'Marant Quibelle in the open class EXC1, CAC, res. CACIB
Art'Marant On Point
in the champion class EXC2, res. CAC

25.07.2020 NDS
Jedge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Art'Marant Quibelle in the open class EXC1, CAC, Beste Hündin, BOS
Art'Marant On Point
in the champion class EXC2, res. CAC

26.07.2020 CACIB
Judge: D. Bujisic Vasiljevic (RS)
Art'Marant Quibelle in the open class EXC1, CAC, CACIB & BOB !!!!
Art'Marant On Point
in the champion class EXC2, res. CAC

Quibelle completed this way her points for the title Croatian Beauty Champion!
Those were fantastic result, even though the competition was tough and the committee of judges
very critical.










01.02.- 02.02.2020 Duo CACIB Brno (CZ)
Judges: B. Chmiel (PL), F. La Rocca (IT)

Art'Marant Quibelle could prevail against the competition on Saturday and achieved

and on Sunday she got EXC4



18.01.2020 Group Show Lahti (Finland)
Judge: M. Talvitie (FI)

Art'Marant She's Got The Look made her show debut in the junior class with fantastic results!
JUN EXC1, CQ, CAC, Best Female and BOB
an amazing jackpot for a junior!
Big congratulations to her owners Fam. Suuronen!




30.11.- 01.12.2019 Double CACIB Prague
Judges: A. Karban (CZ), D. Kotalová (CZ)

Our show season'19 is over now, we are very pleased and already making plans
for next year, which we are looking forward to!

Art'Marant Quibelle

Saturday - open class EXC1, CAC, CACIB and BOS

Sunday - intermedate class EXC1, CAC





10.11.- 11.11.2018 NDS & IDS Karlsruhe
Judges: E. Schön (D), S. Freitag (D)

Art'Marant Organza
got VG1 in the open class on Saturday. On Sunday, however, she could prevail against the competition and got EXC1, CAC VDH & CACIB, Alpensieger and Sieger Baden-Württemberg  

Gwenni completed this way her points for the titles Dt Champion VDH and Dt Champion PSK!
Huge congrats to her owner Fam. Kächele!


19.10.2019 OG Show Leipzig-Wiederitzsch
Judge: Malgorzata Zakrzewska (PL)
Art'Marant Quibelle Zwischenklasse EXC*, Bes Female, BOB and BEST IN SHOW-2 !!
Art'Marant On Point offene Klasse EXC*
Art'Marant Infanta
Championklasse EXC*
Best Breeders Group competition Zwergschnauzer Art'Marant 1st place 







06.10.2019 NDS Jelenia Góra Poland
Judge: Vladimir Vukosavljevic (SRB)
Art'Marant Quibelle intermediate class EXC1, CWC, CAC

Artrt'Marant On Point
champion class  EXC1, CWC, CAC, Best Female and BOB !!







29.09.2019 IDS Wroclaw Poland
Judge: Andrzej Kazimierski (PL)
Art'Marant Quibelle intermediate class EXC1, CWC, CAC

Artrt'Marant On Point
open class EXC2







21.09.2019 National Club Show Praga CZ
Judge: Risario Maragino (ES)
Art'Marant Crossfire Veteran class EXC1, Vet-CAC and finished Czech Club Veteran-Champion!
Huge congrats to his owner Dita Kolacková!



22.09.2019 KSA Dresden
Richter: Georg Roth (DE)
Art'Marant Quibelle intermediate class EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH
Art'Marant On Point open class EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH
Art'Marant Infanta
champion class EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH
Best Breeders Group competition Zwergschnauzer Art'Marant 1st place 








01.09.2019 IDS  Luxembourg
Judge: Guido Schäfer (DE)
Art'Marant Livingstone open class EXC2, res. CACL




01.09.2019 PSK Club Show Schaumburg-Schalkau
Judges: E. Theisen (PSK), I. Huber (PSK)
Art'Marant Quibelle intermediate class
EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH, Best Female, BOB and went 2nd
Art'Marant On Point open class EXC2, res.CAC
Art'Marant Infanta
champion class EXC2, res.CAC
Best Breeders Group competition Zwergschnauzer Art'Marant 1st place







31.08.2019 PSK Club Show Schaumburg-Schalkau
Judges: E. Theisen (PSK), I. Huber (PSK)
Art'Marant Quibelle intermediate class EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH
Art'Marant On Point open class
EXC1, CAC, Best Female, BOB and finally went 3rd BEST IN SHOW

Art'Marant Infanta
champion class EXC2, res.CAC
Best Breeders Group competition Zwergschnauzer Art'Marant 2nd place!



04.08.2019 PSK Club Show Südharz
Judge: Piotr Król (PL)
Art'Marant Quibelle open class EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH
Art'Marant On Point champion class EXC1, CAC, Best Female & BOB!!



03.08.2019 PSK Club Show Zerbst
Judge: Eva Vadócz (HU)
Art'Marant Quibelle intermediate class EXC2, res. CAC
Art'Marant On Point champion class EXC1, CAC, Best Female & BOB!!



14.07.2019 NDS Mláda Boleslav (CZ)
Judge: Jaroslav Matyás (SK)
Art'Marant On Point open class EXC1, CAC



Yes! We did it again

30.06.2019 PSK Club Jubilee Show Limbach-Oberfrohna
Judge: Elke Ahrendts (PSK)

Art'Marant On Point starts today in the champion class and archieved
EXC1, CAC, Best Female, went to BOB
and in final competition went

Very proud of this girl! 

It was a great day, huge thanks to the organizers and honorable judge Mrs.Ahrendts!





We enjoyed incredible success on this weekend
PSK Club Sommernachtshow Jena
Judges: P. Vodrázková (CZ), H. Glänznerová (CZ)

Art'Marant Quibelle shown in the junior class and archieved
EXC1, JCAC, Junior-BOB, Best Female, BOS!

23.06.2019 PSK Club Jubilee-Show Jena
Judges: P. Vodrázková (CZ), H. Glänznerová (CZ)

Art'Marant On Point
got in the champion class EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH

Art'Marant Quibelle
did it great in the junior class and got today
EXC1, JCAC, Junior-BOB, Best Female,
went Best of Breed, Junior BEST IN SHOW
of the day
and finally went 1st BEST IN SHOW!! 
WOW... We are happy and proud! A big thank to both judges for this honor!







02.06. - 03.06.2019 NDS & IDS Erfurt
Judges: Darko Drobnjak (SRB), Brigita Kremser (SVN)

Art'Marant Quibelle starts in the junior class and archieved Exc1, JCAC VDH
completed this way her points for the
title German Youth Champion VDH
On Sunday she got EXC2 and res.JCAC


19.05.2019 IDS Litomerice (CZ)
Judge: James Byrnes (IRL)

Art'Marant On Point open class EXC2, res.CAC


We started off successfully into the new show season!

We are very proud and happy with the excellent achievements of our dogs !




PSK Club Show & CACIB Chemnitz
Judges: Hans Van Den Berg (NL),  Elzbieta Chwalibog (PL)

On Saturday:
Art'Marant Quibelle junior class

JCAC, Best Junior, Best Female, BOB and finally Junior BEST IN SHOW of the day!
An amazig jackpot for a junior!!

Those were fantastic result, even though the competition was tough and the committee of judges
very critical.
Art'Marant On Point open class EXC1, CAC PSK-VDH
This way she completed her points for the Dt CH VDH and Dt CH PSK

On Sunday:
Art'Marant Quibelle got again 
EXC1, JCAC and BOB Junior!
Art'Marant On Point open class  EXC1, CAC VDH
Thank you to the judges for the great results and evaluation of our dogs!

Art'Marant On Point was also tested for inherited eye-deseases and she is CLEAR











News 2018


